InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyCălina MureșanEnergy vs. Time: Which Matters More for Your Productivity?I recently came across a simple yet profound statement: “Manage your energy, not your time.” This idea resonated with me in a way that went…Nov 5, 2023Nov 5, 2023
Călina MureșanWhy Try Huberman’s Daily Blueprint & How to Adjust It To Your Busy ScheduleIn a world where wellness experts generously share a plethora of information and tips, one might expect our collective health to be at an…Nov 4, 2023Nov 4, 2023
InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyCălina MureșanThe Creativity Trap: How Over-Consumption Hinders Your Creative PotentialDo you ever find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching TV shows instead of working on your creative projects…Mar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
InReciprocalbyCălina MureșanProductivity: Origins, Obsession, and How to Break FreeDiscover the history and downsides of productivity as we know it today.Mar 21, 20231Mar 21, 20231
Călina MureșanUnlocking the Secrets of Time: How to Create More of ItThe concept of time is something that has fascinated humanity for thousands of years. From ancient civilizations to modern-day scientists…Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
InIn Fitness And In HealthbyCălina MureșanI’ve Asked AI for a Fat Loss StrategyThis will change the fitness industry forever.Dec 27, 20223Dec 27, 20223
Călina MureșanChristmas and Consumption. How To Balance Them?Stop overspending this Christmas. No matter how much money you make.Dec 22, 2022Dec 22, 2022
InIn Fitness And In HealthbyCălina Mureșan1 Belief I Had to Break to Eat BetterEating healthy starts from your mind.Dec 21, 20221Dec 21, 20221
Călina Mureșan9 to 5 or Just High School for Adults? How to Stop Being a Teenager at Your Job.Education differs around the world, and your school might have been more progressive than mine, but they still have a common point: they…Dec 12, 2022Dec 12, 2022
InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyCălina MureșanHitting All the Goals That I Didn’t Hit All Year - The December RaceGoals are not the problem, we are.Dec 2, 2022Dec 2, 2022
InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyCălina MureșanWhy Being Hyper-Independent Could Bring More Troubles Than BenefitsAre you too independent?Mar 20, 20222Mar 20, 20222
Călina MureșanHow to Revive Our Pure Child-Like Enthusiasm?When was the last time you felt excited rather than anxious about a new situation or challenge? Like a child being excited to go to a room…Aug 20, 2022Aug 20, 2022
InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyCălina MureșanProgress and Ego Are Not the Dream Team. How to Separate ThemWhy stepping away from your ego could be the key to staying consistentApr 10, 2022Apr 10, 2022
InWriters’ BlokkebyCălina Mureșan3 Life Principles That Can Make It Easier for EveryonePerspectives from Adlerian psychology that anyone can benefit fromApr 5, 2022Apr 5, 2022
Călina MureșanSorelle Amore’s Finance Course Promises Freedom. Is It Worth $297?Where to start with finances?Mar 23, 20222Mar 23, 20222
InIn Fitness And In HealthbyCălina MureșanSet Better Fitness Goals Starting NowPerformance goals, not appearance goalsMar 21, 20223Mar 21, 20223
InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyCălina MureșanOptimize Your Routine With These Stoic PrinciplesHow to create a weekly balanced scheduleFeb 15, 20222Feb 15, 20222
InThe Digital JournalsbyCălina MureșanCould You Find Meaning in Your Boring Job? No.A short opinionJan 25, 2022Jan 25, 2022
Călina MureșanGoing Back Into The Gym After a Long Break. Stop Feeling AwkwardHow to get that motivation going without caring who is lookingJan 22, 20221Jan 22, 20221
Călina MureșanHow to Read Efficiently. Action After Every Book.Is there a simple way to actually cement the key points of a book and then go practice what is useful for you?Jan 20, 2022Jan 20, 2022