Why Bother With Mindfulness?

8 reasons to try it

Călina Mureșan
3 min readJan 26, 2023
photo by RF._.studio

Mindfulness is a state of active and open attention on the present. It is the practice of being fully engaged in the moment and aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

The benefits of mindfulness are numerous and can greatly improve one’s overall well-being. Here are just a few reasons why you should practice mindfulness.

  1. Stress reduction: Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress by helping individuals manage their thoughts and emotions in a more effective way. When practicing mindfulness, individuals are better able to recognize and respond to stressors in a calm and rational manner, rather than becoming overwhelmed by them.
  2. Improved emotional regulation: It can help individuals regulate their emotions by teaching them how to observe and accept their feelings without judgment. This can lead to a greater sense of emotional balance and stability.
  3. Increased focus and concentration: Mindfulness can help individuals improve their focus and concentration by teaching them to pay attention to the present moment. This can lead to improved productivity and performance in both personal and professional settings.
  4. Improved physical health: Mindfulness has been linked to a number of physical health benefits, including improved…



Călina Mureșan

I am all about wellness, fitness and mindset. Sharing the struggles & pleasures of becoming better. The code is written in your lifestyle. calinamuresan.com